Top 10 Twitter accounts related to SalesForce

Posted by: Admin 06th Jul, 2023 545

Here are ten popular Twitter accounts related to Salesforce that you may find valuable to follow:

  1. Marc Benioff - @Benioff
    The official Twitter account of Marc Benioff, the co-founder and CEO of Salesforce.
  2. Salesforce - @salesforce
    The official Twitter account of Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform.
  3. Parker Harris - @parkerharris
    Parker Harris is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Salesforce.
  4. Evan Kirstel - @evankirstel
    Evan Kirstel is a top technology influencer and frequently shares insights and news about Salesforce.
  5. Eric Dreshfield - @ericdresh
    Eric Dreshfield is a Salesforce MVP (Most Valuable Professional) and an active member of the Salesforce community.
  6. Jennifer W. Lee - @jenwlee
    Jennifer W. Lee is a Salesforce MVP and frequently shares tips, tricks, and insights related to Salesforce.
  7. Ben McCarthy - @SalesforceBen
    Ben McCarthy is the founder of Salesforce Ben, a popular Salesforce blog, and frequently shares Salesforce-related content.
  8. Mike Gerholdt - @MikeGerholdt
    Mike Gerholdt is the host of "ButtonClick Admin" podcast and shares Salesforce tips, updates, and resources.
  9. Gillian Madill - @gillianmadill
    Gillian Madill is a Salesforce MVP and a frequent speaker at Salesforce events, sharing her expertise on the platform.
  10. Maria Belli - @mariabelli
    Maria Belli is a Salesforce MVP and often tweets about Salesforce development, Lightning, and other related topics.

If you want to add or suggest more salesforce related twitter accounts, pl. contact us.